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Releasing The Little Angry Man Within Me

Now it came to pass that I magnetized an astrologer who was interested in a relationship with me over Facebook. Interesting enough was that I was the last to know that was his intention. My intention was to receive an astro-cartography reading from him because I have never been sure of where the best place for me to live has been. I did feel an attraction to him as well as we conversed of Skype. Everything happened so fast I remember at one point feeling as if I had no choice. Needless to say that over a period of three weeks he and I had a couple pretty volatile exchanges, he ended up telling me that I had an angry...

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Images, Addiction and The Golden Calf

Since the beginning of time we have been led by images, labeling everything we see as good or bad, dark or light, etc. Tall is good, short is bad even beauty gives those who seemingly have it an advantage to be married or paid well, have status and we have a billion dollar industry helping those who feel they need it. It comes in so many forms we have no idea that we can be totally living without the presence of who we truly are because we are living what we are told we are. The spiritual journey is one of awakening to our authentic selves thru the release of that which is not ourselves. I recently had the experience...

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Readings about cheating

Recently I have been asked to advise several clients regarding cheating. In the past this topic has made me cringe because as a reader you desire to be as accurate as possible in affairs of the heart. My study in The Course in Miracles has brought to my awareness the suffering we can experience when we attach ourselves to anything and anyone more than to the Holy Spirit. Cheating is a symptom of the unaware searching to fill a hole with something or someone outside of themselves. It is not about the person being cheated upon. Or is it? Everything is a mirror to our own experience and if we have not fully realized that we are a spirit one...

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Coaching to Release Grievances And Live In Joy

Many of my clients come to me with a desire to live peacefully and joyfully but have a mind filled with grievances. This is duality and is evidence that there is not enough room or spiritual awareness to live in joy. Joy comes from a guilt free mind. A mind connected to Love itself. In The Course In Miracles it states that grievances hide the light of the world in you. It says that as you hold grievance against your brother, you are both in darkness and as the veil of your grievance is lifted, you are released with him. Releasing grievances does not mean that you are a door mat or victim. It actually means that in God's world...

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