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Welcome To A Heavenly Light

Emalani - Psychic Medium
Emalani is a professional psychic medium that is naturally gifted in working with the spirit world, helping to bridge the gap between this world and the next. Emalani works in a unique way with those who have crossed over, helping individuals and families with the grief and loss of their loved ones. Emalani also works with families who have a loved one in a coma, or those that have non-verbal and or autistic children to bridge the gaps in communication. Emalani teaches a variety of spiritual based classes, is also a certified hypnotist, and provides life coaching services, group readings, and much more.
Emalani experienced a brief but powerful near death experience through an illness which gave her a feeling of love so great in the afterlife that she has made it her goal to help other’s still living experience it here while on earth.
She has worked successfully on two criminal cases in Southern California. She has won many inspiration awards, as well an award for generosity.